Friday 29 November 2019

My story - Chasing Chickens

Chasing Chickens

In the shining sun on a nice summer day I would travel to my marvellous aunt's farm house. In her farm she has 10 sheep and 4 lambs. She has 0 cows and 5 cats. Sadly, one of the cats is 151 years old in cat years and soon will be dying. In her farm she also has four adult chickens no roosters though. Their names are Shelly, Ninja Chick, Humanamanow  and Mrs long bottom. In my opinion the names are ridiculous. But they suit the chickens. One day I was trying to chase the chickens into the pens. We were going to let out our evil vicious cats out. Those cats are terrifying with their sharp claws and their terrible eyes that stare Suddenly one of our chickens (Mrs Long Bottom) decided to run out of the pen onto the road. I ran to go chase Mrs Long Bottom before it got hit by a car. Then I realised that it would get scared and boost and speed into another person’s property and if I were to ask to get her that would be an invasion of privacy.  So I waited an hour and then let the cats out. When I looked into the homebuilt pen my chickens were home asleep. One week later me and my brother were bored. We then were doing TV show kind of things. I went outside and he stayed inside and look through the window at me so it was shaped like a TV. I started talking but when it started to get boring we looked at one of the chickens passing by and started chasing it. It was a dumb idea but we didn’t get in trouble. When we were chasing it the chicken got so scared it started flapping its wings and started drifting and squawking  in the distance. Before we blank our eyes it was in the neighbours cow pen!

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