Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ Week 1 Day 3 Cyan

Hello bloggers! Today we have another SLJ quest. We had to pick 3 activities. Activity 1 was if you had 3 superpowers what would they be and why? 2nd activity was if you could interview a sport player who would it be and what 3 questions would you ask them. 3rd activity was your dream job and what you could achieve.  I chose to do activity 1 because it sounds interesting. Here is my link. Blog ya later!

Monday 2 December 2019

Science Experiment Cyan and Caja

Hello Bloggers!
Me and Caja have been working on a science experiment. Our topic we chose was Static Electricity. On Thursday our class will be trying out their experiment. For approximately 2 weeks we have been working on our slideshow.